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Antibiotic Choice for Children Hospitalized With Pneumonia and Adherence to National Guidelines

The 2011 national guidelines for the management of pediatric community-acquired pneumonia recommended narrow-spectrum antibiotic therapy (eg, ampicillin) for most children hospitalized with pneumonia. Before the release of the guidelines, the use of broader-spectrum antibiotics (eg, third-generation cephalosporins) was much more common.

After release of the guidelines, third-generation cephalosporin use declined and penicillin/ampicillin use increased among children hospitalized with pneumonia. Changes were most apparent among institutions that proactively disseminated the guidelines, underscoring the importance of local efforts for timely guideline implementation. (Read the full article)

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Immunogenicity and Safety of a 9-Valent HPV Vaccine

Prophylactic vaccination of young women 16 to 26 years of age with the 9-valent human papillomavirus (HPV)–like particle (9vHPV) vaccine prevents infection and disease with vaccine HPV types.

These data support bridging the efficacy findings with 9vHPV vaccine in young women 16 to 26 years of age to girls and boys 9 to 15 years of age and implementation of gender-neutral HPV vaccination programs in preadolescents and adolescents. (Read the full article)

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Critical Elements in the Medical Evaluation of Suspected Child Physical Abuse

Previous research has described important variability in the medical evaluation of suspected child physical abuse. This variability may contribute to bias and reduce reliability in the medical diagnosis of abuse.

A panel of child abuse pediatricians participated in a Delphi Process, defining critical elements for the medical evaluation of suspected physical abuse in children. Results can be used to reduce practice variability that may contribute to potential bias in evaluation. (Read the full article)

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Association of National Guidelines With Tonsillectomy Perioperative Care and Outcomes

Tonsillectomy guidelines make evidence-based recommendations for the perioperative use of dexamethasone, no routine use of antibiotics, and discharge education of families and for surgeons to monitor bleeding complication rates. The impact of the guidelines on processes and outcomes is unknown.

The guidelines were associated with improvement in perioperative care processes but no improvement in outcomes. Perioperative dexamethasone use increased slightly, and antibiotic use decreased substantially. Bleeding rates were stable, but revisit rates for complications increased because of revisits for pain. (Read the full article)

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Mycophenolate Mofetil Following Rituximab in Children With Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome

Treatment of idiopathic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome is challenging, and therapeutic options are limited. In spite of good initial response with rituximab, responders always remain prone to further relapse, necessitating either repeat course of rituximab or addition of another steroid-sparing immunosuppressant.

Mycophenolate mofetil may be an effective maintenance therapy to consider as an additive immunosuppressant after induction with rituximab in maintaining remission among children with refractory steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. (Read the full article)

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Weight Growth Velocity and Postnatal Growth Failure in Infants 501 to 1500 Grams: 2000-2013

Postnatal growth failure is common for very low birth weight infants. Although many of the major morbidities experienced by these infants during their initial NICU stays have decreased in recent years, it is unclear whether growth has improved.

For infants weighing 501 to 1500 g, average growth velocity increased and postnatal growth failure decreased from 2000 to 2013. Still, in 2013, half were discharged with a weight below the 10th percentile for postmenstrual age. (Read the full article)

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Exclusive Breastfeeding and Risk of Dental Malocclusion

Breastfeeding provides a protective effect against some malocclusions, and there is a strong inverse correlation between the duration of breastfeeding and the duration of pacifier use.

The protective effects of predominant and exclusive breastfeeding against malocclusion are distinct: exclusive breastfeeding reduces the risk of malocclusions regardless of pacifier use, whereas the effect of predominant breastfeeding depends on the duration of the pacifier use. (Read the full article)

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Unrecognized Celiac Disease in Children Presenting for Rheumatology Evaluation

Associations have been reported between celiac disease (CD) and numerous autoimmune conditions in adults and children. However, current screening guidelines do not consider patients with rheumatic diseases to be at high risk for CD.

The prevalence of CD in children presenting for rheumatology evaluation was found to be 2% by routine serologic screening. The majority of screening-detected CD cases had no CD-associated symptoms. Gluten restriction was found to relieve some musculoskeletal complaints. (Read the full article)

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Car Seat Screening for Low Birth Weight Term Neonates

Almost half of NICUs include low birth weight (<2.5 kg) as an inclusion criterion for car seat tolerance screening (CSTS), formerly car seat challenges. However, little is known about incidence and risk factors for failure in this group.

This is the largest study to date evaluating the incidence and predictors of CSTS failure in full-term low birth weight neonates. Epidemiologic data are provided to help guide future CSTS policies and protocol development for this group. (Read the full article)

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Emergency Department Visits for Self-Inflicted Injuries in Adolescents

Self-harm behavior is a major public health problem and a leading cause of death in adolescents. The majority of patients who self-injure do not die, but they are at increased risk for a successful future suicide attempt.

Emergency department visits for self-inflicted injuries in adolescents increased from 2009 to 2012, whereas visits for self-inflicted firearm injuries decreased. The presence of any comorbid condition increased risk for self-harm, indicating that increased attempts at prevention may be warranted in these young people. (Read the full article)

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Pediatric Liver Transplant Center Volume and the Likelihood of Transplantation

Low case volume has traditionally been associated with poor outcomes in complex surgical procedures, including pediatric liver transplantation.

This retrospective analysis supports the association between low case volume and poorer outcomes in pediatric liver transplantation, and, in addition, shows that candidates listed in low-volume centers have severely limited access to transplantation. (Read the full article)

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Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine and Clinically Suspected Invasive Pneumococcal Disease

Conventional invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) definition using laboratory confirmation lacks sensitivity. Using a vaccine-probe design, the FinIP trial showed that IPD disease burden and vaccine-preventable disease incidence were fourfold higher when a more sensitive outcome, clinically suspected IPD, was used.

Vaccine-preventable disease incidence (ie, absolute reduction due to PCV10 vaccination) during routine vaccination program was threefold with the more sensitive outcome of clinically suspected IPD compared with the conventional IPD definition. This has major implications for cost-effectiveness of PCVs. (Read the full article)

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Simulation in Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowships

Simulation-based education is increasing but its use in pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) fellowships has not been recently documented. Previous studies identified barriers including equipment and space, but growth of simulation centers and equipment has been widespread.

Simulation is widely used in PEM fellowships, and current barriers include faculty and learner time, implementation of best practices in simulation; equipment is less significant. Future work should focus on curriculum and evaluation development, aligning with the milestones. (Read the full article)

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Weapon Involvement in the Victimization of Children

Firearms are among the 10 leading causes of injury-related death for youth and continues throughout the life span. Annually youth homicides and assault-related injuries result in an estimated $16 million in combined medical and work loss costs.

Findings add to the field’s broadening conceptualization of youth victimization highlighting the potentially highly consequential risk factor of firearm and other weapon exposure as a component of victimization experiences on the mental health of youth. (Read the full article)

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Cognition and Brain Structure Following Early Childhood Surgery With Anesthesia

Permanent neuronal deletion and neurocognitive impairment after anesthetic exposure in animals raised substantial concern that similar effects occur in children. Human studies were equivocal but have not combined structural and intelligence tests in otherwise healthy children after childhood anesthesia.

Anesthetic exposure for surgery did not lead to measurable neuronal elimination in brain regions previously identified in animals. However, language comprehension and performance IQ were decreased in exposed children and associated with decreased gray matter, primarily in posterior brain regions. (Read the full article)

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An Early Feeding Practices Intervention for Obesity Prevention

"Protective" complementary feeding practices that promote self-regulation of intake and development of healthy food preferences have been positively associated with healthy child eating patterns and growth. There are few high-quality trials evaluating feeding practice interventions; none has reported long-term outcomes.

This large randomized controlled trial demonstrates that anticipatory guidance on the "how" of complementary feeding resulted in more protective feeding practices. These intervention effects were sustained for 3 years and translated into commensurate trends in obesity risk. (Read the full article)

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Risk Factors for Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection and Renal Scarring

Vesicoureteral reflux is recognized as an important risk factor for recurrent urinary tract infection and renal scarring. Less is known about the contribution of other risk factors to these outcomes.

This study found that information about vesicoureteral reflux and bladder and bowel dysfunction can be used to identify children at low, medium, and high risk of recurrent urinary tract infection, information that clinicians could use to select children for specific preventive therapies. (Read the full article)

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Prenatal Hemoglobin Levels and Early Cognitive and Motor Functions of One-Year-Old Children

Studies on the consequences of abnormal prenatal hemoglobin (Hb) concentration have focused on maternal morbidities and adverse birth outcomes. To date, very little is known about the association between prenatal Hb concentration and infant cognitive and motor functions.

There is an inverted U-shaped relationship between maternal Hb concentration and infant gross motor function. Hb concentration between 90 and 110 g/L appears to be optimal for early gross motor function of children. (Read the full article)

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A Comparison of the Request Process and Outcomes in Adult and Pediatric Organ Donation

Pediatric patients suffer higher mortality due to the shortage of transplantable organs. Factors influencing families’ donation decisions are similar for pediatric and adult patients. However, the general perception that families of pediatric patients are less willing to donate persists.

Communication emerged as a critical factor of family authorization, reinforcing its importance in the organ donation process. Patient age (ie, adult versus pediatric) was not predictive of family authorization. (Read the full article)

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Physician Communication Training and Parental Vaccine Hesitancy: A Randomized Trial

Parental hesitancy about childhood vaccines is prevalent and related to delay or refusal of immunizations. Physicians are highly influential in parental vaccine decision-making, but may lack confidence in addressing parents’ vaccine concerns.

A physician-targeted communications intervention designed to reduce maternal vaccine hesitancy through the parent-physician relationship did not affect maternal hesitancy or physician confidence communicating with parents. Further research should determine the most effective approaches to addressing vaccine hesitancy. (Read the full article)

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Medical-Legal Strategies to Improve Infant Health Care: A Randomized Trial

US parents trust the health care system and bring their infant children in for preventive care. Previous studies have demonstrated the ability of health care systems to identify, and sometimes address, the economic needs of low-income families.

Families of newborns at a safety-net primary care center have high levels of economic hardship. Compared with controls, Developmental Understanding and Legal Collaboration for Everyone families had accelerated access to concrete supports, improved rates of on-time immunization and preventive care, and decreased emergency department utilization. (Read the full article)

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Personal Belief Exemptions to Vaccination in California: A Spatial Analysis

An increasing number of children are unvaccinated at entry into public schools, potentially endangering children who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons and threatening herd immunity. Voluntary exemptions from immunizations vary geographically and by parental characteristics.

We find that exemption behavior is highest in peripheral areas of cities and that specific types of student populations are associated with high exemption rates. Additionally, there is spatial overlap between clusters of high personal exemption and medical exemption populations. (Read the full article)

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Automated Assessment of Children's Postoperative Pain Using Computer Vision

Clinical pain assessment methods in youth are vulnerable to underestimation bias and underrecognition. Facial expressions are sensitive, specific biomarkers of the presence and severity of pain. Computer vision–based pattern recognition enables measurement of pain-related facial expressions from video.

This study demonstrates initial validity for developing computer vision algorithms for automated pain assessment in children. The system developed and tested in this study could provide standardized, continuous, and valid patient monitoring that is potentially scalable. (Read the full article)

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Recovery From Central Nervous System Acute Demyelination in Children

Most prospective cohort studies of acquired demyelinating syndromes in children have focused on the genetic, environmental, and neuroimaging predictors of multiple sclerosis. Less is known regarding the severity of the incident demyelinating event and predictors of residual attack–related physical disability.

In a national, prospective longitudinal study, incident acquired demyelinating syndromes in children were characterized in terms of physical deficits and acuity at onset, and recovery over the first 12 months. Follow-up evaluations up to 10 years’ postonset were analyzed. (Read the full article)

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Global and Regional Burden of Isoniazid-Resistant Tuberculosis

Fifteen percent of tuberculosis cases globally are resistant to the drug isoniazid. Isoniazid resistance puts patients with tuberculosis at risk for poor treatment outcomes and threatens the effectiveness of isoniazid preventive therapy in people with latent tuberculosis infection.

We present the first global and regional estimates of the proportion of children with tuberculosis who have isoniazid-resistant disease, showing large geographic variations in risk of resistance. We estimate the number of annual incident cases of isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis in children. (Read the full article)

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Youth Drinking in the United States: Relationships With Alcohol Policies and Adult Drinking

Youth drinking is associated with adult drinking. Alcohol policies can influence youth and adult drinking. However, it is unknown whether alcohol policies influence youth drinking patterns directly or through their effect on adult drinking.

Alcohol policies, including population-oriented policies, are protective for youth drinking. The effect of population-oriented policies may be mediated though effects on adults. These findings suggest that efforts to reduce youth drinking should rely on policies that address all age groups. (Read the full article)

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Ophthalmic Abnormalities and Reading Impairment

Dyslexia has a lifelong impact on learning. The consensus in the literature from clinical studies is that dyslexia is not caused by vision abnormalities. However, interventions and therapies directed at eye-related functions are still available.

In this cohort the majority of dyslexic children had normal results for all ophthalmic tests. These population-based data support the consensus that dyslexia is not primarily a vision problem and that vision-based therapies are not justified or likely to help. (Read the full article)

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Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Residential Altitude

Various clinical and demographic factors are associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and an association between altitude of residence and SIDS has been questioned but not yet demonstrated in any large observational studies.

This study demonstrates an association between altitude and SIDS, with higher SIDS rates observed at high elevation (>8000 feet) than at the more moderate elevations (<6000 feet). (Read the full article)

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Diagnostic Accuracy of the Urinalysis for Urinary Tract Infection in Infants <3 Months of Age

The sensitivity of the urinalysis (UA) traditionally has been considered suboptimal in young infants. Whether the finding of a negative UA and a positive urine culture represents a false-negative UA versus a false-positive urine culture remains unclear.

In infants <3 months with bacteremic urinary tract infection, a condition that represents true infection, the UA sensitivity is higher than previously reported for urinary tract infection in general, suggesting that the UA is reliable even in young infants. (Read the full article)

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Trends of US Hospitals Distributing Infant Formula Packs to Breastfeeding Mothers, 2007 to 2013

Distribution of infant formula discharge packs to breastfeeding mothers is common practice in maternity care facilities in the United States. Receiving discharge packs is associated with shortened exclusive breastfeeding duration. Many efforts have been made to discourage this practice.

From 2007 to 2013, there has been a marked reduction in distribution of discharge packs containing infant formula to breastfeeding mothers in hospitals and birth centers in the United States. (Read the full article)

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Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Cognition in VLBW Infants at 8 years: an RCT

Suboptimal brain development and increased risk of cognitive deficits are well documented in very low birth weight children. Supplementation with docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid has been associated with positive cognitive effects.

This follow-up study of a randomized controlled trial of supplementation with docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid to very low birth weight infants is the first report on both cognition and brain macrostructure measured with MRI. No cognitive or neuroanatomical effects were detected at 8 years. (Read the full article)

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Head Growth and Neurocognitive Outcomes

Microcephaly is known to be associated with neurocognitive disorders and increasing head size with hydrocephalus. Head circumference is widely measured in childhood, but its practical value as a screening test is unclear.

Measured head size is not a stable characteristic and centile shifts occur very commonly, mostly reflecting measurement error or regression to the mean. Even where head size was consistently extreme, it was not a good predictor of later developmental problems. (Read the full article)

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Active Play Opportunities at Child Care

Physical activity (PA) of preschoolers has been found to be highly correlated with their child care environment. Preschool-aged children are sedentary for most of their time at child care and most are not meeting PA recommendations.

Preschoolers were presented with significantly fewer than recommended PA opportunities at child care. More active play opportunities are needed to increase PA, including more outdoor time, more teacher-led and child-initiated active play, and flexibility in naptime for preschoolers. (Read the full article)

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Sedentary Time in Late Childhood and Cardiometabolic Risk in Adolescence

Evidence on the cardiometabolic consequences of sedentary behavior in youth is inconsistent and mostly relies on cross-sectional studies. Studies with objective measures of sedentary time have found limited evidence of cross-sectional associations with adiposity markers but no other outcomes.

Objectively assessed daily sedentary time was not prospectively associated with cardiometabolic outcomes. Moderate to vigorous physical activity was beneficially associated with body fat mass, insulin, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and clustered cardiometabolic score. (Read the full article)

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Physical Activity in Youth Dance Classes

The majority of youth are not meeting the recommended physical activity guidelines. Dance classes are popular for girls and have potential to provide physical activity for many youth. Little is known about how active youth are in different dance types.

Objectively measured physical activity in dance classes are low and generally provide less physical activity than youth sports. There is a public health imperative to engage the dance profession in efforts to improve the health impact of youth dance classes. (Read the full article)

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Validity of Bronchiolitis Outcome Measures

The Respiratory Distress Assessment Instrument (RDAI) and the Respiratory Assessment Change Score (RACS) are the most frequently used measurement instruments in bronchiolitis clinical trials. Evidence is scarce regarding their measurement properties and their suitability for use as evaluative instruments in clinical trials.

The RDAI is an incomplete measure of respiratory distress in bronchiolitis, with poor to moderate construct validity. It has adequate discriminative properties but considerable test-retest measurement error. The RDAI and RACS were moderately responsive, but methodologic issues limit the interpretation of this finding. (Read the full article)

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A Trigger Tool to Detect Harm in Pediatric Inpatient Settings

Harm occurs at a high rate in adult inpatient populations. One single-center study, applying an adult-based surveillance tool, suggests that a pediatric inpatient population also has a high rate of harm.

Harm occurred frequently in 6 freestanding children’s hospitals. Identification and understanding of the harm is the first step to making necessary improvements and to preventing future harm. (Read the full article)

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Care Coordination Over Time in Medical Homes for Children With Special Health Care Needs

Care coordination is a central part of the medical home model. Little is known about how care coordination is implemented in pediatrics and how it changes over time in primary care practices successfully adopting medical home principles.

In high-performing medical homes, care coordination evolved toward designing and carrying out routine activities and policies that aimed to forestall disruptions in care delivery. Investing in medical home teams, engaging electronic medical record systems, and improving workflow supported these changes. (Read the full article)

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Biomarkers of Alzheimer Disease, Insulin Resistance, and Obesity in Childhood

Insulin resistance plays a role in obesity. Recently it has been associated with increased risk of AD. Aβ42 and PSEN1 are molecules associated with increased risk of later AD. Patients affected by AD show elevated levels of plasma Aβ42.

Levels of Aβ42 and PSEN1 are significantly elevated in obese adolescents and correlated with the degree of both adiposity and systemic insulin resistance. (Read the full article)

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BMI and Magnitude of Scoliosis at Presentation to a Specialty Clinic

Early detection of scoliosis facilitates treatment. For detection, topographic features, such as truncal asymmetry or rib hump, are used.

We show a correlation between curve magnitude at presentation and BMI. Obesity may obscure physical examination findings. (Read the full article)

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Academic Effects of Concussion in Children and Adolescents

Concussion produces a range of symptoms that may impede academic functioning. The need for empirical validation exists, despite growing consensus on the importance of a guided return-to-school process for students recovering from concussion.

This study provides initial evidence of a concussion’s adverse effects on academic learning and performance across all grades, including heightened levels of school-related concern and amplified postinjury academic difficulties experienced by symptomatic students relative to their recovered peers. (Read the full article)

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Estimated Number of Infants Detected and Missed by Critical Congenital Heart Defect Screening

Newborn screening for critical congenital heart defects (CCHDs) has been implemented in many hospitals, yet there is uncertainty about the number of infants with CCHDs that might be detected through universal implementation of newborn CCHD screening in the United States.

We estimated that ~875 infants with CCHDs might be detected, and ~880 missed, annually through universal CCHD screening in the United States. Increases in prenatal diagnosis are unlikely to substantially impact the number of infants detected through CCHD screening. (Read the full article)

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Factors Associated With Meaningful Use Incentives in Children's Hospitals

Meaningful use (MU) incentive payments have been developed to encourage adoption and use of electronic health records (EHRs). Several studies have revealed children’s hospitals have unique barriers to the use of EHRs but were relatively early adopters of information technology.

Although a minority of children’s hospitals have succeeded with MU incentives, freestanding children’s hospitals are significantly more likely to succeed. Improvement of EHRs for pediatric use should focus on information exchange, quality reporting, and MU relevance to pediatrics. (Read the full article)

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Outcomes of Infants With Indeterminate Diagnosis Detected by Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening

Little is known about the prevalence or outcomes of infants with indeterminate diagnostic results after a positive cystic fibrosis (CF) newborn screen (CF transmembrane conductance regulator–related metabolic syndrome [CRMS]).

CRMS accounted for 15.7% of newborn screened diagnoses in the CF Patient Registry from 2010 to 2012 (CRMS:CF ratio = 5.0:1.0). Although most infants were healthy, some infants demonstrated clinical features concerning for CF. (Read the full article)

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Developmental Outcomes of Extremely Preterm Infants Born to Adolescent Mothers

Infants born extremely premature and infants born to adolescent mothers are at risk for adverse developmental and behavior outcomes. There is limited research on the dual risk imparted to infants born extremely premature to adolescent mothers.

Extremely premature infants of adolescent mothers have significantly increased rates of behavior problems. Nonwhite race and living in ≥3 places by 18 to 22 months of age are risk factors for adverse behavior outcomes among infants of adolescent mothers. (Read the full article)

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Inconclusive Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis After Newborn Screening

Infants with an inconclusive diagnosis of cystic fibrosis after newborn screening may turn out to have cystic fibrosis. However, little is known about the incidence, characteristics (phenotype and genotype), and outcomes of these infants to guide investigations and follow-up.

In this prospective longitudinal study, a proportion (11%) of infants with an initial inconclusive diagnosis were subsequently diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. This finding underscores the need for follow-up of this population. (Read the full article)

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First Pertussis Vaccine Dose and Prevention of Infant Mortality

Few studies have established the protective efficacy of 1 to 3 primary doses of diphtheria-tetanus-whole-cell pertussis (DTwP)/diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccines against pertussis, hospitalization, or pertussis complications in infants. However, vaccine effectiveness against infant pertussis death has not been previously reported.

This is the first study to report the protective role of ≥1 DTwP/DTaP doses among vaccine-eligible infants aged ≥6 weeks against death, hospitalization, and complications from pertussis. It describes risk markers for death among vaccine-ineligible infants aged <6 weeks. (Read the full article)

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Safety Incidents in the Primary Care Office Setting

More than a quarter of child deaths in the United Kingdom are estimated to have identifiable failures in care. Although children account for 40% of the family practice workload, little is known about iatrogenic harm to children in this setting.

This is the first analysis of nationally collected pediatric safety incident reports from family practice. To mitigate harm to children, priority areas requiring improvement include medication provision, referral of unwell children, provision of evidence-based treatment, and adequate diagnosis and assessment. (Read the full article)

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Tdap Vaccine Effectiveness in Adolescents During the 2012 Washington State Pertussis Epidemic

Although waning immunity with the childhood pertussis vaccination series has been reported, there are limited data on duration of protection of the adolescent pertussis vaccine (Tdap), especially among those who have received only acellular vaccines.

This study reports that protection from Tdap wanes substantially 2 to 4 years after vaccination among adolescents who received all acellular vaccines during childhood. This waning protection is likely contributing to the increase in adolescent pertussis. (Read the full article)

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The Pharmacy-Level Asthma Medication Ratio and Population Health

Disparities in asthma morbidity are exacerbated by underutilization of preventive controller medications. Community pharmacies are well positioned for an increased role in population health. The Asthma Medication Ratio, currently used at the patient-level, could be adapted for use at the pharmacy-level.

A newly developed Pharmacy-level Asthma Medication Ratio was associated with population-level childhood asthma morbidity. Collaborative relationships between physicians, community pharmacists, and patients (and families) have the potential to promote testable interventions aimed at reducing asthma morbidity and cross-community disparities. (Read the full article)

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