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Breastfeeding Duration and Weight Gain Trajectory in Infancy

Although we know breastfeeding is beneficial and infant weight gain can predict obesity later in life, the relationship between breastfeeding duration and infant weight gain patterns among populations exhibiting high risk for obesity is unexplored.

This study demonstrates the greater odds of increased infant weight gain for infants who breastfed for shorter durations among those exposed to a high number of maternal biopsychosocial risk factors for obesity. (Read the full article)

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Cesarean Section and Chronic Immune Disorders

Cesarean delivery has previously been associated with increased risk of specific immune diseases in children. The mechanism remains unknown.

In 1 large population-based cohort, we demonstrate cesarean delivery as a shared risk factor for several immune-related diseases. Such common risk factor suggests early life commonality in the origins of these chronic immune disorders. (Read the full article)

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Neuroimaging and Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Extremely Preterm Infants

White matter abnormality (WMA) on neuroimaging is considered a crucial link with adverse neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants. Brain MRI is more sensitive in detecting WMA than cranial ultrasound (CUS), but questions remain about timing and prognostic value of modalities.

Near-term CUS and MRI abnormalities were associated with adverse 18- to 22-month outcomes, independent of early CUS and other factors, underscoring the relative prognostic value of later neuroimaging in this large, extremely preterm cohort surviving to near-term. (Read the full article)

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Trends in Infant Bedding Use: National Infant Sleep Position Study, 1993-2010

The American Academy of Pediatrics has identified bedding such as pillows, blankets, and quilts as potentially hazardous for the infant sleep environment. Bedding use is a modifiable risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome and unintentional sleep-related suffocation.

Reported bedding use over or under the infant for infant sleep substantially declined from 1993 to 2010. However, about one-half of US infants are still placed to sleep with potentially hazardous bedding despite recommendations against this practice. (Read the full article)

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Early Weight Loss Nomograms for Exclusively Breastfed Newborns

Exclusively breastfed newborns lose weight daily in the first few days after birth. The amount of weight lost varies substantially between newborns, with higher amounts of weight loss increasing risk for morbidity.

This study presents nomograms demonstrating percentiles for weight loss by delivery mode for those who are exclusively breastfed. The nomograms have potential to be used for early identification of neonates on a trajectory for greater weight loss and related morbidities. (Read the full article)

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Coparenting Breastfeeding Support and Exclusive Breastfeeding: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Fathers’ attitude and support affects breastfeeding outcomes. Fathers are currently not targeted in breastfeeding support and care provided by health care professionals. Breastfeeding interventions delivered to fathers have been shown to increase breastfeeding exclusivity and duration.

A coparenting breastfeeding support intervention delivered to mothers and fathers in the postpartum period showed beneficial effects on breastfeeding duration, paternal breastfeeding confidence, breastfeeding help provided by fathers, and mothers’ satisfaction with fathers’ involvement with breastfeeding. (Read the full article)

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Growth Hormone Therapy, Muscle Thickness, and Motor Development in Prader-Willi Syndrome: An RCT

Infants with Prader-Willi syndrome suffer from hypotonia, muscle weakness, and motor developmental delay and have increased fat mass combined with decreased muscle mass. Growth hormone improves body composition and motor development.

Ultrasound scans confirmed decreased muscle thickness in infants with Prader-Willi syndrome, which improved as result of growth hormone treatment. Muscle thickness was correlated to muscle strength and motor performance. Catch-up growth in muscle thickness was related to muscle use independent of growth hormone. (Read the full article)

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Age-Based Risk Factors for Pediatric ATV-Related Fatalities

Younger age has been identified as an independent risk factor for all-terrain vehicle (ATV)-related injuries. Since the mid-1980s, one-third of ATV-related deaths have involved children younger than 18 years of age.

Using national data, we found both similarities and differences between pediatric age groups in the contribution of known risk factors to ATV-related deaths. The observed differences suggest the importance of targeting injury prevention approaches to specific age ranges. (Read the full article)

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Cerebral Palsy Among Children Born Moderately and Late Preterm

The incidence of cerebral palsy is dependent on the gestational age in very preterm infants and risk factors have been identified for term infants. The risk has also proved to be greater among late preterm births compared with term.

The incidence of cerebral palsy was 24-fold in moderately preterm and 6-fold in late preterm infants compared with full-term infants. The most prominent risk factors included asphyxia and intracranial hemorrhage. The incidence diminished over time and with increasing gestational age. (Read the full article)

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A Comparison of Interferon-{gamma} and IP-10 for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis

IP-10 is a novel immunologic marker for tuberculosis (TB) infection. It has been suggested that IP-10 may perform better in children compared with the QuantiFERON test, but only a few studies have investigated IP-10 for diagnosing active TB in children.

This study is the first to investigate IP-10 and QuantiFERON for diagnosing TB in children by using consensus classifications. Both IP-10 and QuantiFERON exhibited poor performance in children from a high-burden setting, and performance was especially compromised in young children. (Read the full article)

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Motor Severity in Children With Cerebral Palsy Studied in a High-Resource and Low-Resource Country

There is variability in cerebral palsy prevalence estimates in low-resource countries, related to definitions, detection of milder cases, diagnosis age, and adequate training for clinicians. Thus, differences in prevalence and motor patterns between high- and low-resource countries remain unclear.

There were more children with dystonia and less with spasticity in Bangladesh compared with Australia (cerebral palsy diagnosis/motor classifications were consistent between settings). Differences in motor patterns between high- and low-resource countries have profound implications for early detection and appropriate interventions. (Read the full article)

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Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and Neonatal Respiratory Distress

Primary ciliary dyskinesia presents in infancy with unexplained neonatal respiratory distress, yet diagnosis is often delayed until late childhood. Earlier diagnosis facilitates earlier onset of therapy, which may help to reduce long-term pulmonary morbidity and mortality.

A diagnostic workup for primary ciliary dyskinesia should be considered in a term infant presenting with unexplained respiratory distress and either lobar collapse, situs inversus, or a prolonged oxygen therapy requirement (>2 days). (Read the full article)

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Postnatal Growth Following Prenatal Lead Exposure and Calcium Intake

Lead is an ubiquitous environmental pollutant, and no safe threshold for blood lead level in children has been discovered yet. Prenatal lead exposure affects growth of children.

Low level of prenatal lead exposure of <5.0 μg/dL affects postnatal children’s growth, which was further intensified by low calcium intake. (Read the full article)

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Validation of a Clinical Prediction Rule for Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma

Pediatric Brain Injury Research Network investigators recently derived a highly sensitive clinical prediction rule for pediatric abusive head trauma (AHT).

The performance of this AHT screening tool has been validated. Four clinical variables, readily available at the time of admission, detect pediatric AHT with high sensitivity in intensive care settings. (Read the full article)

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Duration of Rhinovirus Shedding in the Upper Respiratory Tract in the First Year of Life

Rhinoviruses are commonly detected in both acutely ill and asymptomatic infants and children. The finding may represent new infection or prolonged presence of rhinovirus RNA in the respiratory tract.

In young, otherwise healthy infants, shedding of RNA from the same rhinovirus strain rarely persisted longer than 30 days. (Read the full article)

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Cyber Dating Abuse Among Teens Using School-Based Health Centers

Cyber dating abuse victimization has been correlated with physical, sexual, and psychological adolescent relationship abuse.

This is the first clinic-based study of cyber dating abuse. Forty-one percent of youth reported cyber dating abuse victimization, female more than male respondents. Compared with nonexposed youth, abuse victims reported more sexual assault; female victims reported more contraceptive nonuse and reproductive coercion. (Read the full article)

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Disability-Adjusted Life-Year Burden of Abusive Head Trauma at Ages 0-4

Children who suffer abusive head trauma (AHT) have lasting health and development problems. AHT can reduce life expectancy dramatically. AHT’s contribution to the burden of disease has been estimated only as part of a broad category of intentional injury.

The DALY burden of a severe AHT case averages 80% of the burden of death, with most survivors dying before age 21 years. Even mild AHT is extremely serious, with lasting sequelae that exceed the DALY burden of a severe burn. (Read the full article)

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Race, Otitis Media, and Antibiotic Selection

A previous study suggested that physicians in 1 practice network were less likely to diagnose otitis media (OM) and to prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics for OM for black versus nonblack children.

Nationally, black children with OM are more likely to receive guideline-recommended, narrow-spectrum antibiotics than nonblack children. These findings may reflect inappropriate treatment of OM with the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics in a majority of US children. (Read the full article)

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Sex-Related Online Behaviors and Adolescents' Body and Sexual Self-Perceptions

Research suggests that appearance-focused messages and exaggerated depictions of sexual activity in the media negatively influence adolescents’ body and sexual self-perceptions. As adolescents increasingly use the Internet to explore their sexuality, health risks related to online behaviors should be identified.

This 4-wave study examined the prevalence and development of 2 receptive and 2 interactive sex-related online behaviors and their relations with adolescents’ body and sexual self-perceptions. It further investigated which parental strategies regarding Internet use may reduce risky sex-related online behaviors. (Read the full article)

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Sinusitis and Pneumonia Hospitalization After Introduction of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine

Pneumococcal conjugated vaccines (PCVs) are known to decrease invasive pneumococcal disease in children, but their effect on pneumonia necessitating hospitalization is more variable across study sites, and effects on hospitalization for sinusitis have not been shown previously.

There was a significant decrease in hospitalizations for sinusitis in children <2 years of age, and hospitalization for pneumonia decreased in children aged <5 years after sequential introduction of PCV7 and PCV13. (Read the full article)

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Changes in Obesity Between Fifth and Tenth Grades: A Longitudinal Study in Three Metropolitan Areas

Obesity among youth can have immediate health effects as well as longer-term consequences during adulthood. Overweight/obese children and adolescents are much more likely than normal-weight children to become overweight/obese adults.

This large, multisite longitudinal study examines patterns of exit from and entry into obesity between childhood and adolescence. Socioeconomic factors, body image, television habits, and parental obesity were important predictors of whether children remained obese or became obese. (Read the full article)

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Adolescent Vaccine Co-administration and Coverage in New York City: 2007-2013

National adolescent vaccination coverage estimates in 2013 among 13- to 17-year-olds are 86% for Tdap vaccine and 78% for MCV4. Comparatively, coverage with ≥3 doses of HPV vaccine is 38% among girls and 14% among boys.

One-fourth of 11-year-olds had HPV vaccine co-administered with Tdap vaccine, compared with two-thirds who had MCV4 co-administered. Whereas by age 17 years, >92% received Tdap vaccine and MCV4, only half of girls and one-fifth of boys completed HPV vaccination. (Read the full article)

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Pediatric Exposure to Laundry Detergent Pods

Case studies, abstracts, and small-sample research studies have shown that laundry detergent pods pose important poisoning risks to young children.

From 2012 through 2013, 17 230 children exposed to laundry detergent pods were reported to US poison control centers. Among children exposed, 4.4% were hospitalized and 7.5% experienced a moderate or major medical outcome, including 1 confirmed death. (Read the full article)

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Regulations to Promote Healthy Sleep Practices in Child Care

Previous studies have examined state regulations for child care facilities and found substantial variation among states. None of these studies examined regulations related to healthy sleep practices, which is an important and often overlooked intervention target for obesity prevention.

We reviewed state regulations related to healthy sleep in child care and compared them to recent national recommendations put forth by the Institute of Medicine. We found that many states lacked regulations, highlighting an important and timely opportunity for improvement. (Read the full article)

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Changes in Child Mortality Over Time Across the Wealth Gradient in Less-Developed Countries

In developed countries, child health disparities across wealth gradients are commonly widening; at the same time, child mortality in low- and middle-income countries is declining. Whether these declines are associated with widening or narrowing disparities is unknown.

A systematic analysis of the evidence on child mortality gradients by wealth in less-developed countries shows that mortality is declining fastest among the poorest in most countries, leading to declining disparities in this important indicator of child health. (Read the full article)

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Unconditional Regard Buffers Children's Negative Self-Feelings

Studies have shown that setbacks, such as receiving low school grades, lead children to experience negative self-feelings (eg, shame, insecurity, powerlessness). Psychological theory predicts that unconditional regard can buffer this adverse impact of setbacks. However, causal evidence is lacking.

This randomized field experiment shows that briefly reflecting on experiences of unconditional regard buffers children’s negative self-feelings after an academic setback 3 weeks later. Unconditional regard may thus be an important psychological lever to reduce negative self-feelings in youth. (Read the full article)

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Gender Differences in Adult-Infant Communication in the First Months of Life

Studies have shown that reciprocal vocalizations between mother and infant have positive effects on language development. It has been shown that girls acquire vocabulary and language skills earlier than boys.

Mothers more readily respond to their infant’s vocal cues than fathers, and infants show a preferential vocal response to their mothers in the first months of life. Mothers respond preferentially to infant girls versus boys at birth and 44 weeks. (Read the full article)

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Health Outcomes in Young Adults From Foster Care and Economically Diverse Backgrounds

Youth in foster care are at higher risk of health problems at entrance and during their stays in care. Little is known about this group’s risk of health problems in young adulthood, in comparison with other populations of young adults.

This is the first prospective study to our knowledge demonstrating that former foster youth are at higher risk of chronic health problems than economically secure and insecure general population young adults. (Read the full article)

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Parent-Implemented Social Intervention for Toddlers With Autism: An RCT

Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of intensive clinician-implemented interventions have demonstrated significant improvements in outcomes of toddlers and preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. RCTs of parent-implemented interventions have demonstrated improvements in parent skills, but generally they have not demonstrated effects on children’s outcomes.

This RCT found significantly greater improvements with individual home coaching on child outcome measures of social communication, adaptive behavior, and developmental level. These findings support the efficacy of a parent-implemented intervention using little professional time, which increases potential community viability. (Read the full article)

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Early Developmental Outcomes of Children With Congenital HHV-6 Infection

Neurodevelopment can be adversely affected by viral infections. Human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) is similar to cytomegalovirus and can cause central nervous system disease. Congenital HHV-6 infection occurs in ~1% of live births, with unknown neurodevelopmental consequences.

HHV-6 congenital infection is associated with lower scores on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development II Mental Development Index compared with control infants at 12 months of age and may have a detrimental effect on neurodevelopment. (Read the full article)

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A Randomized Trial on Screening for Social Determinants of Health: the iScreen Study

Despite growing interest around clinical screening for health-related social and environmental risk factors, little evidence exists regarding screening formats that maximize disclosure of psychosocial information.

This study compares psychosocial and socioeconomic adversity disclosure rates in face-to-face interviews versus electronic formats in a large, urban pediatric emergency department. (Read the full article)

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Variability in ADHD Care in Community-Based Pediatrics

In 2000/2001, the American Academy of Pediatrics published recommendations for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) care. According to pediatricians’ self-report of adoption of these guidelines, community-based ADHD care appears to be marginally adequate.

Using reviews of >1500 patient charts, this study demonstrates that community-based ADHD care is not consistent with evidence-based practice. Furthermore, variability in much of community-based ADHD care is unrelated to the provider, suggesting that innovative, system-wide interventions are needed to improve ADHD care. (Read the full article)

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Very Low Birth Weight, Infant Growth, and Autism-Spectrum Traits in Adulthood

Preterm birth and faster infant growth have been identified as independent risk factors for autism-spectrum disorders (ASD). However, associations between prematurity and ASD-related traits as a continuum and effects of infant growth among those born preterm are still little studied.

VLBW young adults reported higher levels of ASD-related traits, particularly traits related to poorer social skills. Within the VLBW group, faster growth in weight, height, and head circumference from birth to term was associated with lower levels of ASD-related traits. (Read the full article)

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Prevalence and Characteristics of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Most studies of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) prevalence in the general population of the United States have been carried out using passive methods (surveillance or clinic-based studies), which underestimate rates of FASD.

Using active case ascertainment methods among children in a representative middle class community, rates of fetal alcohol syndrome and total FASD are found to be substantially higher than most often cited estimates for the general US population. (Read the full article)

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Urokinase Versus VATS for Treatment of Empyema: A Randomized Multicenter Clinical Trial

There are discrepancies regarding which treatment is best in clinical practice for children with parapneumonic empyema, with some authors favoring video-assisted thoracoscopy and others favoring intrapleural fibrinolytic agents.

This study is one of the few randomized clinical trials on this subject in children and the first multicenter trial. It exclusively included patients with septated empyema. Thoracoscopy and fibrinolysis with urokinase were equally effective for this condition. (Read the full article)

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College Health Service Capacity to Support Youth With Chronic Medical Conditions

The population of youth with chronic medical conditions is growing and many attend college. Yet we know little about US colleges’ capacity to identify and care for these youth, nor how transition guidelines and financing models should incorporate college health.

This is the first study to find that although many colleges can provide some clinical care for youth with chronic conditions, few colleges have systems to identify and track these students, elucidating gaps that pediatricians and institutions need to address. (Read the full article)

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Feedback on Oral Presentations During Pediatric Clerkships: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Delivering competent oral case presentations is an important clinical communication skill, yet effective means of improving trainees’ presentations have not been identified.

Oral presentation feedback sessions facilitated by faculty by using an 18-item competency-based evaluation form early in pediatric clerkships improved medical students’ subsequent oral presentations. Medical schools should consider implementing this evidence-supported practice. (Read the full article)

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Perinatal Complications and Aging Indicators by Midlife

Perinatal complications predict increased risk for morbidity and early mortality. Evidence of perinatal programming of adult mortality raises the question of what mechanisms embed this long-term effect. Telomere length and perceived facial age are 2 indicators of accelerated aging.

Perinatal complications predicted greater signs of accelerated aging "inside," as measured objectively by leukocyte telomere length, an indicator of cellular aging, and "outside," as measured subjectively by perceived age, an indicator of declining integrity of tissues. (Read the full article)

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Prophylactic Indomethacin and Intestinal Perforation in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants

Prophylactic indomethacin in extremely low birth weight infants decreases severe intraventricular hemorrhage and patent ductus arteriosus but it is unknown whether concurrent enteral feeding and prophylactic indomethacin is associated with increased risk of spontaneous intestinal perforation.

The combination of prophylactic indomethacin and enteral feeding during the first 3 days after birth does not increase the risk of spontaneous intestinal perforation. (Read the full article)

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Use of and Regional Variation in Initial CT Imaging for Kidney Stones

Professional organizations recommend ultrasound as the initial diagnostic imaging modality for children with suspected nephrolithiasis. Computed tomography utilization for children with nephrolithiasis treated at freestanding children’s hospitals is common and varies substantially by hospital.

The high prevalence and regional variability of CT as the first imaging study for children with nephrolithiasis who presented to emergency departments, outpatient clinics, and hospitals throughout the United States indicate that current imaging practices deviate substantially from guidelines. (Read the full article)

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Serum Bilirubin and Bilirubin/Albumin Ratio as Predictors of Bilirubin Encephalopathy

Jaundiced newborns without additional risk factors rarely develop kernicterus if the total serum bilirubin is <25 mg/dL. Measuring the bilirubin/albumin ratio might improve risk assessment, but the relationships of both indicators to advancing stages of neurotoxicity are poorly documented.

Both total serum bilirubin and bilirubin/albumin ratio are strong predictors of advancing stages of acute and post-treatment auditory and neurologic impairment. However, bilirubin/albumin ratio, adjusted to the same sensitivity, does not improve prediction over total serum bilirubin alone. (Read the full article)

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Out-of-Hospital Medication Errors Among Young Children in the United States, 2002-2012

Medication errors involving children represent a frequently occurring public health problem. Since 2003, >200 000 out-of-hospital medication errors have been reported to US poison control centers annually, and ~30% of these involve children <6 years of age.

During 2002–2012, an average of 63 358 children <6 years experienced out-of-hospital medication errors annually, or 1 child every 8 minutes. There was a significant increase in the number and rate of non–cough and cold medication errors during the study period. (Read the full article)

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Direct Antiglobulin Titer Strength and Hyperbilirubinemia

Direct antiglobulin titer (DAT) positive, blood group A or B newborns born to group O mothers have a high incidence of hyperbilirubinemia, attributable to increased hemolysis.

DAT ++ readings were associated with a higher incidence of hyperbilirubinemia and a greater degree of hemolysis than DAT ± or DAT + counterparts. DAT strength should be taken into consideration when planning treatment strategies or follow-up of ABO-heterospecific newborns. (Read the full article)

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Implementation Methods for Delivery Room Management: A Quality Improvement Comparison Study

Quality improvement (QI) studies generally do not account for concurrent trends of improvement and it is difficult to distinguish the impact of a multihospital collaborative QI project without a contemporary control group.

A multihospital collaborative QI model led to greater declines in hypothermia and invasive ventilation rates in the delivery room compared with an individual NICU QI model and NICUs that did not participate in formal QI activities. (Read the full article)

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Sustainability of a Parental Tobacco Control Intervention in Pediatric Practice

Parental smoking cessation helps eliminate children’s exposure to tobacco smoke. A child’s visit to the doctor provides a teachable moment for parental smoking cessation. Effective strategies to help parents quit smoking are available for implementation.

Evidence-based outpatient intervention for parents who smoke can be delivered successfully after the initial implementation. Maximizing parental quit rates in the pediatric context will require more complete and sustained systems-level integration. (Read the full article)

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Transcutaneous Bilirubin After Phototherapy in Term and Preterm Infants

Phototherapy decreases bilirubin concentration in skin more rapidly than in blood. During and after phototherapy, transcutaneous bilirubin measurements are considered unreliable and therefore discouraged.

Transcutaneous bilirubin underestimates total serum bilirubin by 2.4 mg/dL (SD, 2.1 mg/dL) during the first 8 hours after phototherapy. This gives a safety margin of ~7 mg/dL below the treatment threshold to omit confirmatory blood sampling. (Read the full article)

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Circumcision of Privately Insured Males Aged 0 to 18 Years in the United States

Neonatal circumcision in the United States has been estimated to be performed in ~58% of all neonates, and varies by US geographic region.

This study estimates neonatal and postneonatal circumcision rates among commercially insured males aged 0 to 18 years that were performed in both inpatient and outpatient settings. This study also estimates indications and payments for the procedure. (Read the full article)

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Parental Desensitization to Violence and Sex in Movies

Movie ratings designed to warn parents about violence and sexual content have permitted increasing amounts of each in popular films. One potential explanation for this "ratings creep" is parental desensitization to this content as it becomes more prevalent in movies.

This study adds experimental evidence that parents become desensitized to movie violence and sex and are more willing to allow children to view such content. (Read the full article)

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Differential Maternal Feeding Practices, Eating Self-Regulation, and Adiposity in Young Twins

Restrictive feeding by parents is associated with poorer eating self-regulation and increased child weight status. However, this association could be due to confounding home environmental or genetic factors that are challenging to control.

Differential maternal restrictive feeding is associated with differences in twins' caloric compensation and BMI z score. Controlling for the shared home environment and partially for genetics, these findings further support a true (ie, unconfounded) association between restriction and childhood obesity. (Read the full article)

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Timing of Adiposity Rebound and Adiposity in Adolescence

Earlier adiposity rebound may increase fatness in later life; however, there is limited evidence from large cohorts of contemporary children with direct measures of fatness in adolescence or adulthood.

Early adiposity rebound is strongly associated with increased BMI and fatness in adolescence. Future preventive interventions should consider targeting early childhood to delay timing of adiposity rebound. (Read the full article)

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